Monthly Archives: February 2023

Crisis in Turkey and Syria: Urgent Support Request

An urgent message from Pastor Bart:

You may be watching news reports or hearing them on the radio about the earthquake in Turkey and Syria that has left thousands dead, countless people injured and without homes. 

I am writing to ask that we do two things sooner rather than later.

1. Pray! A prayer written by Pastor Bart

“Eternal God, we commend to you the lives extinguished by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. We pray for the rescuers from White Helmets and other relief agencies even as we pray for those injured and for families suddenly finding themselves without homes. We pray you disrupt the rivalries among factions and nations so that people will unite to bring relief and care to in a time of enormous need. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.

2. Consider a donation to either the Canadian Lutheran World Relief. They have a giving ‘button’ on the website or Lutheran World Federation/

    Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Header

    As per their website:

    Individuals and congregations wishing to support relief efforts can donate as follows:
    – Make a designated offering for “Türkiye and Syria Earthquake” through any ELCIC congregation
    – Call CLWR at 1-800-661-2597 (locally at 204-694-6502) to donate or go online to
    – Send a cheque made payable to CLWR and mailed to CLWR, 600-177 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0W5. Please indicate that you wish to contribute to “Türkiye and Syria Earthquake”